Did any of you have a Nerf Man (or Nerfman as he is sometimes called) action figure when you were young? Or young-er I should say? Well I did. He was green and yellow, very lightweight, and could glide on the wind faster than a speeding... well you know what I mean. Over the years, I have moved half a dozen times, downsized my collection of collectibles a number of times, but somehow always managed to spare good old Nerf Man from being axed.
Sometime a few years ago, I moved again, and put Nerf away somewhere, and forgot about him. Last week, I was taking a short nap, and I dreamed I was fighting evil secret agents along a stretch of Pico Boulevard in west Los Angeles. As I leapt to the top of a one story shop, I looked across the street and saw on the rooftop in front of me NERF MAN! He was looking a bit worse for wear, and about seven feet taller than his actual size, but he stood heroically in the hot sun, ready to battle the evil-doers who were at hand.
After I woke up from the dream, I started digging through my stuff, and within a matter of minutes I found my Nerf Man. The moral of this story? Don't give away all of your super-hero toys, some day one might appear in a dream and help you fight evil wherever it may be!
I had a dream one time! I was in this store, and it was like really dark, cept for a few lights in the corners. I picked up a box that had some kind of game in it, but I can't remember what it was. I noticed that half the box was blank, like a printer had stopped in midprint. I figured out I was dreaming, it wasnt real, and I screamed and woke up. What does it mean?
The store represents your life, and the box is something that you have started working on but are only half finished doing. Could be a project at work, or a course at school, or perhaps even your life itself. As for realizing it was a dream and then screaming, sometimes knowing a dream is a dream can be a bit of a shock.
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