Did any of you have a Nerf Man (or Nerfman as he is sometimes called) action figure when you were young? Or young-er I should say? Well I did. He was green and yellow, very lightweight, and could glide on the wind faster than a speeding... well you know what I mean. Over the years, I have moved half a dozen times, downsized my collection of collectibles a number of times, but somehow always managed to spare good old Nerf Man from being axed.
Sometime a few years ago, I moved again, and put Nerf away somewhere, and forgot about him. Last week, I was taking a short nap, and I dreamed I was fighting evil secret agents along a stretch of Pico Boulevard in west Los Angeles. As I leapt to the top of a one story shop, I looked across the street and saw on the rooftop in front of me NERF MAN! He was looking a bit worse for wear, and about seven feet taller than his actual size, but he stood heroically in the hot sun, ready to battle the evil-doers who were at hand.
After I woke up from the dream, I started digging through my stuff, and within a matter of minutes I found my Nerf Man. The moral of this story? Don't give away all of your super-hero toys, some day one might appear in a dream and help you fight evil wherever it may be!